The Focus on development Africa initiative and youth network (FodAfrica) started in 2013 as  a youth-based empowerment initiative and network.


Creativity and Innovation are often overlooked, misunderstood and even neglected due to factors surrounding the African economy.  The voices, dreams and aspirations of young minds often never get recognized enough to reach their full potentials. Access to quality and affordable education, especially for is often beyond reach. Thousands of  Post-secondary graduates flood the streets because they lack meaningful opportunities to practice in their area of expertise.

“We have been there and we know how it hurts”

We, at FodAfrica value creativity and work to keep the creative youth active and relevant. We work to incubate and nurture creativity, innovation, and relevance through community efforts.


To empower the African youth through nurturing creativity and innovationcreating skill-based work opportunities, mentorship & entrepreneurship communities and supporting education of the girl child..

We believe the possibilities for innovation and greatness in Africa are endless.

  • We hope to create a platform where every African youth with an innovative dream can learn, connect, find co-partners, share ideas and get help with launching their unique ideas & projects.
  • We will look out for opportunities where the youth can gain experience and earn income in their area of expertise while contributing to nation-building.
  • We hope to build capacity and strengthen the interaction between the Government and the youth, conduct online based research, and solicit individual, Stakeholder, and Government support.
  • To work with communities in identifying issues hindering development and build their capacity for resilience.
  • To host life-changing conferences, discussions, debates and interactive events that challenge the youth to embrace creativity and positive thinking.
  • To teach the youth how to self-create employment opportunities through our mentorship and entrepreneurship training programs.
  • To emphasize the importance of food and water safety, nutrition and hygiene in schools in Africa.